5by5 is a Saskatoon, SK based technology company that specializes in building custom software, web site design, live production, software design and facilitation for conferences and conventions.

We used to be – and still are – Objectified Software Inc. Our legal company name will not change in the near future, but we will be carrying on business as 5by5 (for software) and 5by5 live (for live production).
What is this 5 by 5 thing anyway? The accepted definition (according to Wikipedia) is that this means the best possible radio signal report in the modern signal strength and readability report system, or simply put, loud and clear. We really liked this idea and thought it extended to both aspects of what we do – the development of IT tools that involve the communication of information, and our live production team making sure that messages and performances are clearly communicated to the audience. So here we are!

Our strategic use of technology can assist and simplify the management of business challenges and save you time and money. Our intuitive approach to all projects is to create solutions that specifically suit the needs and requirements of our clients.